Thursday, February 28, 2008

No. of patent applications by universities up 3.7 times+

The number of patent applications filed during fiscal 2006 by higher education facilities, such as public and private universities, stood at 9,090, 3.7 times higher than fiscal 2003, according to comparable data, the education ministry said Wednesday.

In the reporting year, 2,872 applications were licensed, showing a 15.5-fold increase from three years earlier, according to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Each university "has apparently tried to put the fruits of its research into practical use for survival," a ministry official said.

Among the 9,090, 7,003, or 77 percent, were filed by national institutions, with Kyoto University top of the list having applied for 552 patents.

Private institutions filed 1,718 whereas 369 were filed by public institutions, according to the ministry.

Meanwhile, the University of Tokyo obtained 890 licenses, the highest among the institutions.
Ninety-eight institutions received royalties of about 801 million yen in total, with Nagoya University, known for establishing a base of manufacturing technology for blue light emitting diode, receiving the highest amount of 164 million yen.

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