Thursday, February 15, 2007

Osaka Pref. to run job center with private firm

The Osaka prefectural government and Recruit Co., a Tokyo-based information service company, will from April jointly run a center for young jobseekers, according to prefectural government officials.

The prefectural government aims to utilize Recruit's ability to match young people with jobs, and hopes to help small and medium-sized enterprises find workers.

According to the officials, the jointly run facility will be the first of its kind to be operated under a public and private partnership arrangement.

In 2004, the prefectural government opened Job Cafe Osaka in a prefectural employment center in Chuo Ward, in the city, which provides employment services for youth.

The prefectural government sought a joint private sector operator for the facility to make it more effective, and Recruit Co. responded to the offer.

The prefectural government earmarked 125 million yen in the fiscal 2007 budget for the project.

Employment services will be offered to people aged 15 to 34, including students and job-hopping part-time workers. Recruit will dispatch about 20 counselors to the center who will provide vocational aptitude tests and individual counseling.

The prefectural government will charge companies to advertise positions vacant with the center. The center will provide the information to young jobseekers free of charge.

"Firsthand information on companies, provided by counselors, will provide thorough job descriptions to young clients," a Recruit spokesman said.
(Feb. 15, 2007)

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