Monday, February 08, 2010

Australia the top choice for Japanese school excursions

Australia is the number one destination for Japanese school excursions and study tours, according to a report by the Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In the 2007-08 Japanese financial year, 43,669 Japanese students visited Australia, of whom 34,802 arrived for school excursions and 8,867 came for language study tours. After Australia, the next most popular destinations for students are the United States (including Guam and Hawaii) and Korea.Last year Japanese school trips were heavily affected by H1N1 Influenza. To reassure the market, Tourism Australia has been working to promote Australia as a safe destination for school excursions, with marketing activities targeted towards decision making teachers.Tourism Australia has refreshed the educational website and over the coming months, further activities are planned, including a new e-newsletter for teachers, an Aussie excursion education manual for schools and a series of educational familiarisation trips in partnership with the State Tourism Organisations।

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Tsukuba University launches seminar on “Study in Japan”

A seminar entitled “Study in Japanese Universities” will be held on February 3, 2010 at the Auditorium of the National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia (INAT).

The event is organized by the office of “University of Tsukuba” in Tunis for Japanese Universities (BUTUJ) within the framework of the project for establishing Core Universities for internationalization (30 global projects) sponsored by the Japanese ministry of education.


The seminar will be a “gateway” for Tunisian students who are interested in study in Japan, Japanese scholarship programs as well as program courses of Japanese universities.

Accordingly, the seminar will provide an opportunity for Tunisian students and professors to discuss and consult with Japanese persons concerned on practical aspects of study in Japan.